Mobs, those who were antagonistic toward the Mormons, were “heard in every direction” throughout Missouri. The mobs burned houses and crops, rustled cattle, unlawfully detained members of the church, and threatened the Saints with death. On October 25, 1838, Joseph Smith advised all Saints in outlying areas to move to Far West for safety. Unwilling […]
Monthly Archives: April 2014
The Lacandon people are one of the most isolated native groups in Mexico. Going completely undetected until the early 1900’s, this small tribe is giving scientists a unique look into the past Mayan way of life. Over just the last 30 years, this tribe of people has slowly been exposed to the world beyond their […]
As persecution increased, more and more Saints moved to the outskirts of the United States to seek refuge from their enemies. The population of the Saints seemed to increase daily in Jackson County, Missouri. The members of the Church built home, worked large farms, built businesses, and contributed in a positive way to the community. […]